Fall the leaves all over the ground.
Rake them up, Oh So High!
Then we jump in, my friends and I!
Leaves are amazing art just the way they are. Bring in your findings! Kids are great collectors and remind us all to slow down and really look at our world. Georgia O’Keeffe once lamented:
Nobody sees a flower - really - it is so small it takes time - we haven't time - and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time.
Leaves can be the same way. We walk on them. We use them on our gardens or sweep them in the street. We get rid of them. Leaves mean work to many adults. We’ll try to really look at our leaves and explore their shapes and colors in our games, songs and art.
This is my leaf (pat, pat)
This is my leaf (pat, pat)
This is my leaf (pat, pat)
This is my leaf (pat, pat)
What do we notice about our leaves?
Spin around __________ leaves, spin around ________ leaves, spin around ______ leaves.
Sit down leaves.
Wow is it hard to wait! And what fun when it is our turn.
Oil Paintings by Georgia O'Keeffe Top: Autumn Leaves, Lake George, 1924 Bottom: Pattern of Leaves, 1923
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