Thursday, December 11, 2014


One whole pie left out by the door

Let’s count the pieces:  1, 2, 3, 4.

4 pieces of pie:  some for you, some for me.

_(Name)_ ate one piece and then there were 3.

3 pieces of pie, some for you too.

______ ate 1 piece, then there were 2.

2 pieces of pie: oh, what fun!

_______ ate 1 piece, then there was 1.

1 piece of pie:  I can’t wait!

______ ate 1 piece.  Empty plate!

The children are so excited.  When is it my turn to have a piece of pie?  We go around the circle.  Whose turn is it next?  At first the children do not know how to predict who will be next, but then they begin to see the pattern.  They love to hear their names.

Oh no!  Are we out of pie?  There are children who haven't had pie.  I take the plate and put it down on the rug.  The children understand we must make more pie.  They bring the pieces back.

Does the whole pie get eaten this time?  Who has to wait the longest?

So many questions.  We are thinking about sharing, delayed gratification, predicting from patterns, subtraction, counting and rhyming sounds.  We are imagining what kind of pie this could be and concentrating on pretending to eat the felt instead of really putting it in our mouths.  We are worried about when we can have a turn.  And is there enough? How can we solve the problem when there isn't enough to go around.  We are worried about our friends having a turn too.  It feels so good to hear our own name and to have that pie.  Do we really have to put it back again so soon?!  

Can we play again tomorrow?

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